WHS is STRONGLY urging all golfers to download the GHIN Handicap app on your smartphone and/or tablets. Posting scores at the golf course’s kiosk might not always be available in 2020. This is extremely critical because all scores MUST be posted on the same day of play.
Five Updates to Know About for the World Handicap System:
- The Handicap Index Calculation is Changing – your number will be based off your 8 best scores out of the past 20. For most US golfers, the change will be minor, but you may see that your Handicap Index is different in January, despite not having played!
- Your Course Handicap Will Change – slope rating, course rating, and par will used to determine your Course Handicap, allowing you to play from different sets of tees without any adjustment.
- There won’t be a need to adjust handicaps if some golfers are playing from different tee boxes.
- Net Double Bogey will Replace Equitable Stroke Control – The maximum hole score for handicap purposes will be limited to Net Double Bogey (Par + 2 strokes + any handicap strokes you receive).
- Daily Handicap Index Updates – your handicap index will update each day at midnight. On days you don’t submit a score, no update will take place.
- Safeguards – The World Handicap System will account for abnormal playing conditions, limit extreme upward movement of a Handicap Index, and reduce a Handicap Index when an exceptional score is posted.
- On a day with bad weather and high score, the WHS will take this into account when all scores have been posted on that SAME DAY.
These changes can seem overwhelming, but the golf staff at Wachesaw East has been informed to reiterate how easy the app will be for all golfers. The app will calculate and update all scores for you! Just sit back and let the phone do the work for you!
For further information and videos about the World Handicap System, feel free to access usga.org/whs
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